Sabina's new short film, Poema 15, based on a poem by Pablo Neruda, is out now! It's performed in American Sign Language, with Spanish voice over. Spanish closed captioning is available.
El video es sobre el poema del chileno Pablo Neruda. El poema cuenta la historia del amor incondicional. El mensaje es: "te amo, pero no me amas a mí pero todavía te amo." Entiendo el mensaje del poema profundamente porque me duele mucho el corazón roto. Soy sorda y quería realizar un poema español en ASL (Lengua de signos americana, de EE.UU) porque yo conozco estas lenguas y quería la oportunidad de mezclar los dos. Fue un reto difícil y estoy contenta con el resultado del video. Lee la poema The video is based on a poem by Pablo Neruda from Chile. The poem is about unrequited love. The poem says: "I love you but you don't love me, but still, I love you always." I really understand this message because I have so much pain and I'm heartbroken. I am Deaf, and I wanted to combine Spanish and ASL (American Sign Language from the USA) together because I know both languages. Poema 15 was difficult to make, but I'm pleased with the results. ASL and Edited by Sabina England, Voice by Yanett Ramirez. English translation of "Poema 15" Watch Poema 15 and be sure to subscribe to Sabina's channel! Comments are closed.